Alexander Svitov Profile

# GameID Date Description Duration
1 1013086 Misconduct - Abuse of officials 10:00
2 1013086 Game misconduct - Abuse of officials 10:00
3 1013086 Elbowing 2:00
4 1013086 Charging 2:00
5 1013086 Unsportsmanlike conduct 2:00
6 1013086 Obs - Tripping 2:00
7 1013086 Unsportsmanlike conduct 2:00
8 1012605 Obs - Hooking 2:00
9 1013245 Hooking 2:00
10 1013242 Holding 2:00
11 1012481 Fighting 5:00
12 1012480 Holding 2:00
13 1013241 Roughing 2:00
14 1013237 Major - High-sticking 5:00
15 1013236 Fighting 5:00
16 1013234 Interference 2:00
17 1013234 Roughing 2:00
18 1013233 Fighting 5:00
19 1012871 Tripping 2:00
20 1012676 Tripping 2:00
21 1013231 Slashing 2:00
22 1013230 Unsportsmanlike conduct 2:00
23 1013230 Holding the stick 2:00
24 1012428 Unsportsmanlike conduct 2:00
25 1012428 Unsportsmanlike conduct 2:00
26 1012313 Goaltender interference 2:00
27 1013227 Fighting 5:00
28 1013223 Game misconduct - Jersey 10:00
29 1013223 Fighting 5:00
30 1013223 Game misconduct - Physical abuse of officials (Cat. III) 10:00
31 1013223 Misconduct 10:00
32 1013307 Holding 2:00
33 1012581 High-sticking 2:00
34 1013183 Roughing 2:00
35 1013062 Unsportsmanlike conduct 2:00
36 1013062 Fighting 5:00
37 1013062 Misconduct - Instigating 10:00
38 1013062 Instigating 2:00
39 1012661 Tripping 2:00
40 1012661 Slashing 2:00
41 1013220 Roughing 2:00
42 1013220 Roughing 2:00
43 1013219 Roughing 2:00
44 1012258 Roughing 2:00
45 1013215 Boarding 2:00
46 1013214 Goaltender interference 2:00
47 1013212 Fighting 5:00
48 1013212 Slashing 2:00
49 1013053 High-sticking 2:00
50 1013053 Holding 2:00
51 1013053 Interference 2:00
52 1012691 Slashing 2:00
53 1013091 Holding the stick 2:00
54 1013091 Fighting 5:00
55 1012493 Tripping 2:00
56 1013208 Slashing 2:00
57 1013168 Elbowing 2:00
58 1013168 Fighting 5:00
59 1013168 Tripping 2:00
60 1012287 Tripping 2:00
61 1013207 Slashing 2:00